Interwoven Sound Spaces (ISS) aims to enable rich, multi-sensory interaction in the context of telematic music performance. The technologies developed for this artistic research project promote tangible interaction between musicians who are in different locations. We combined textile wearable technologies, interactive machine learning, and spatialised sound, to extend the experience of playing and spectating music telematically beyond screen-based applications, and embracing music making as an embodied act. In this one-day workshop we invite students from all Berlin universities to explore the technical and artistic capabilities of the current version ISS system with us together.
The workshop is held in three sessions, lasting 2 hours each:
9:00 – 11:00 How do I play music with the ISS system?
11:00 – 13:00 How do I compose with the ISS system?
14:00 – 16:00 How do I make a textile sensor and make it part of the ISS system?
Each session will start with a technical introduction (30 minutes). Participants will then work together to propose an idea for playing, composing, and making a wearable sensor to detect movement with and for the ISS system. These will be implemented in the following 90 minutes. Students can register for individual or all sessions. There are five spots available for each session.
The workshop will take place at Robert-Koch Forum / Einstein Center Digital Future, Wilhelmstr. 67, 10117 Berlin. We meet in the event room on the first floor.
For registration, please send an email detailing your name, study programme, and two sentences describing why you would like to join, to Berit Greinke
Please note: The workshop will be video recorded for research purposes. All data will be anonymised in case of publication. Participants also consent to photos being taken during the workshop, which will be used for ISS dissemination in print and electronic media.